

ACD Brand Studio was founded by award-winning designer Anoop V Chalil in 2017. ACD stands out as one of India's best design studios, located in Bangalore. Specializing in branding, packaging, and graphic design, it excels in its field. We partner with clients from the ITSM, Facility Management, Hospitality, Travel & Tourism, Entertainment, and Food sectors through strategic and creative thinking. Whether we're working with a corporate client or a startup, we have the same kind of passion and energy.

By identifying complex challenges and developing innovative approaches, we help our clients build a strong brand presence and grow their businesses. Our creative insights help us create valuable brand experiences in partnership with entrepreneurial minds and businesses. ACD Brand Studio has built a reputation with clients across a variety of industries and design fields over the years.



Understand the perception of the brand and the environment of the future brand, as well as the peculiarities that may influence its success. Analyzing accumulated data to determine users' behavior and their possible reactions to the design.


The core problems are defined after analyzing and synthesizing research data and observations. Creating concept boards for potential routes. Decide on final routes to take after brainstorming concept boards.


Using research and brainstorming inputs, visualize concepts. Decide on the ideal imagery style, typeface, color scheme, and visual elements. The visual design enhances the brand's marketing strategy by engaging users and enhancing its trustworthiness and interest.


Developing designs for approval after consolidating all inputs. Upon approval, create the final version of the design for production. The style guide and the print specification sheet will be delivered with the project closure.

our team



Anoop V Chalil

Founding Partner & Director

A creative designer with over 15+ years experience, Anoop V Chalil has won numerous design awards. His experience with renowned brand design firms like Ray+Keshavan and Idiom allowed him to refine his skills and give his inborn talent the final touch. In his career today, he has mastered the art of branding, packaging design, and communication design through strategic and creative thinking. He helped define some of India's leading brands at his own company and at top global branding agencies.

Anoop studied Applied Arts at the College of Fine Arts in Trivandrum. Many national and international design blogs and magazines have published his work. His strategic and creative thinking capabilities help him design the most effective and creative designs.

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Sheena PK

Founding Partner

Sheena Anoop is one of ACD Brand Studio's founding partners and is responsible for administration and accounting. As she graphs and presents our company's financial growth, she shows us how we can scale our company to grow even larger by partnering with new and established companies.

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Vineeth KB

Design Head

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Vipin Shekar

Senior Designer

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Sreeraj NP

UI Designer

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Vimal C Luke


our clients